Month: January 2020

  • Rat? Or a middle-aged man?

    My colleague gave me this hand-written card along with some sweets for the new year. I tossed the card on my desk and there it remained for a couple of days, turned sideways.

    I glanced at it one day and made a startling discovery:

    This was definitely unintentional, as when I pointed it out to her it took her more than a minute to realize what I was talking about. And then she said, “A western ojisan, possibly! Not a Japanese one.”

  • I have never heard these words before in my life

    If you could go back to university, what would you study?
    Guy Jean:
    (without blinking)
    Guy Jean:
    I have put some thought into this before …
    Nana (after reading the Japanese link):
    I have never heard of these words before in my life.
    Facebook post about cosmology
    Honest mistake, actually …